We’d like to thank everyone for making our “Beta Access” launch a massive success! We’ve welcomed in our first customers and so far the feedback has been phenomenal. Naturally we expected great reactions when everyone saw the feature rich software we’ve developed, but I must admit the positive feedback was even more than I was expecting.
Since opening up for Beta access the BuildRedirects development team has been hard at work to install new features to make our software even better!
Conversion Optimization – As you know BuildRedirects can (if you activate it) track conversions to the offers you are promoting. Now in your link funnels you can ‘optimize’ by telling the funnel to not show an offer to a visitor if they have already converted to it. Think about that for a second. You can now mail one single link, have it rotate through a group of offers and it will automatically make sure if someone has converted to one of those offers they simply don’t see it. WAY COOL!